Jenny's Running Blog

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Week 2, Day 3 - Hot Stud Day at the Gym... drool

Ok, I have just made a note of the time I went to the gym today because it was packed full of hot guys... oh it was the best day ever. On to the business - tried a 5 minute warm-up today instead of my usual 10. It didn't really work because I started to get a stitch half way through my run - this always happens to me. Stitches are a bit of a mystery but I know I get them if I don't do a decent warm-up. Guess I can't get away with 5 mins. Other than that it was a good workout. I ran the last segment instead of walked it because I just kind of got a bit of a stride on.

Distance - 1.95 miles
Avg Speed - 3.90 mph
Min/Mile Pace - 15.38
Miles so far this week - 3.89
Hours so far this week - 1.00


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