Runner's Guide To Stretching
Being un-employed I currently have a lot of time on my hands so I'm going to write a runner's guide to stretching! Hooray! Technically I should be using this precious time to prepare for the most important interview of my life which is happening on Wednesday but I'm trying to just be chilled out about it so this is my preparation... yeah just keep telling yourself that Jenny!
God knows that with my limited running experience I am no expert so I have consulted the real experts at the and the Serpentine Running Club to figure this stuff out. See links in the sidebar somewhere. I've also robbed photos from all over the internet because it's raining today but I'll take the real ones this weekend.
Muscle Diagram -
So you know which muscles you should be feeling.
Jesus, I highly recommend not searching on google images for such pictures - they've got dead bodies on there.
Diagram coming soon!
The Stretches!
So here they are - the key stretches to keep yo' legs limbered up and free from aches and injuries. Try and hold each one for 30 seconds post-run y'all and if you can be bothered (I know I can't) 15 seconds pre-run. Hold each one as far as you can without pain and none of that bouncy stretching like you're in Fame people - this is the 21st Century.
I don't feel this one so much so I'd like to find a more advanced one if anyone has any tips - I think I've got very flexible quads.
I know this is meant to be about stretching but my God this man is hot! Oh my! To see more pictures of this stud check out, drool....
Here he is again! Ahhh the dreaded hamstring. Mine were tight even before I started running and I hear that running makes them even tighter. This is the best stretch I've found for them.
Lower Calf
I used to find this one a bit tricky until I figured out two things. Firstly, concentrate on getting that back knee down to intensify the stretch. Secondly, you can put most of your weight on your front leg to make it less tiring on your back quad.
And now the ones that I don't do but I'm thinking of trying due to my recent hip pain...
Even just looking at this feels good.
Hip Flexor
Oh yeah, right there.
Illiotibial Band
I can't ever get this one to feel right - if anyone's got any tips then drop them in the comments.
God knows that with my limited running experience I am no expert so I have consulted the real experts at the and the Serpentine Running Club to figure this stuff out. See links in the sidebar somewhere. I've also robbed photos from all over the internet because it's raining today but I'll take the real ones this weekend.
Muscle Diagram -
So you know which muscles you should be feeling.
Jesus, I highly recommend not searching on google images for such pictures - they've got dead bodies on there.
Diagram coming soon!
The Stretches!
So here they are - the key stretches to keep yo' legs limbered up and free from aches and injuries. Try and hold each one for 30 seconds post-run y'all and if you can be bothered (I know I can't) 15 seconds pre-run. Hold each one as far as you can without pain and none of that bouncy stretching like you're in Fame people - this is the 21st Century.
I don't feel this one so much so I'd like to find a more advanced one if anyone has any tips - I think I've got very flexible quads.
I know this is meant to be about stretching but my God this man is hot! Oh my! To see more pictures of this stud check out, drool....
Here he is again! Ahhh the dreaded hamstring. Mine were tight even before I started running and I hear that running makes them even tighter. This is the best stretch I've found for them.
Lower Calf
I used to find this one a bit tricky until I figured out two things. Firstly, concentrate on getting that back knee down to intensify the stretch. Secondly, you can put most of your weight on your front leg to make it less tiring on your back quad.
And now the ones that I don't do but I'm thinking of trying due to my recent hip pain...
Even just looking at this feels good.
Hip Flexor
Oh yeah, right there.
Illiotibial Band
I can't ever get this one to feel right - if anyone's got any tips then drop them in the comments.
Nice post. Stretching always brings up mixed conversations.
Good luck with the interview.
By Humble Runner, at 6:29 PM
Hi from the US. Here's a story your readers might be interested in. It's kind of sad, but inspirational. I ran for 30 years, 6 to 9k a day, five days a week. I'm 61, and have lost all the cartilage in my ankle and the muscles and ligaments are all stretched out. I wear a prosthetic brace up to my knee. I still wouldn't trade my condition for one of those days of running.
By Steve Car Insurance, at 4:32 PM
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